Your First Visit

To expedite your first visit to our downtown Toronto office, please download and complete the forms below prior to your first appointment.

Adult – Health History Intake Form

Infant + Child – Health History Intake Form

Your first session will take any where between 45-60 minutes and will cover:

1. Medical History and Consultation.  Completing the initial questionnaire will allow us to get a better understanding of your medical history. Our health care professional team will use this information to determine your state of health and to help formulate your care program. During your first visit, you will also receive a copy of our financial policies and will be advised of the cost of our office procedures.

2. Gait Scan. An initial scan is taken to determine your baseline foot biomechanics.

3. General Examination. Standard physical, orthopedic, neurological, postural, gait and chiropractic tests will be performed to determine the causes of your problem. Loose comfortable clothing is recommended.

4. X-Ray. If required, X-rays of specific areas of your spine may need to be ordered.

Your Second Visit

Your second session will also take any where between 30-45 minutes and will cover:

1. Report of Findings. You will receive a more in-depth Report of Findings that contains an analysis of your initial examination.  Our health care professional team will walk you through the report and and specifically discuss recommended care options. Our new practice member orientation or Strategies for Healthy Living session will help to answer all your questions and to provide you with the tools to ensure you get the best results.

2. Chiropractic Adjustments. Depending on the outcome of your initial examination, a health care professional may perform adjustments which are carefully directed and controlled pressure to restore the moveable bones of your spine to a more normal motion and position.

3. Adjunctive Procedures. In the case of pain and injury, our health care professionals may suggest the application of heat, ice or the use of some other procedure to help reduce the inflammation and make you more comfortable. Advice may be given on posture, exercise and nutrition to speed your recovery.